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We provide various types of consultancy services to Owners, Designers or Contractors:

=> Value Engineering (Design Review)
=> Cost Analysis
=> Estimating
=> Procurement
=> Claims Management
=> Troubleshooting

Cost Analysis and Estimating: We evaluate the price of a specific project. This can be done at a budgetary level, before completion of the design based on assumed performance specifications, or at an accurate level, once a full design is complete. We can also provide this service to a Contractor tendering a project competitively.

Procurement: We survey the market, recommend vendors and subcontractors, issue Requests for Quotation, analyze offers technically and commercially and make recommendations to our client for all his project procurement needs. We can also prepare the Purchase Order on client's behalf.

Claims management:  We review and respond to Claims submitted against a Client ensuring his best position contractually. Additionally, we can prepare claims on behalf of a Client.



We provide talent pipeline across the Construction/Engineering, IT, Health and Teaching sectors. We help employers connect with the best talent and stay ahead of industry trends.

Manufacturer's Representative:

In collaboration with Reopac Concerns International, we act as manufacturer's representative globally, as well as exporting finished goods to Africa. We also import commodities from Africa, helping them expand their market and presence in the dynamic and growing region.